Interns will grow in self confidence, conflict management, group interactions, project completion, personal awareness, communication, working hard, raising food, following instructions to complete tasks collectively and individually. They will learn about Alaska agriculture, sustainability and the great responsibility we have to be responsible stewards of what God has entrusted to us.
Farmer Kelli will be working hands on everyday with this group. She is committed to training up our future generations and excited to see them develop into wonderful young adults. She began the state of Alaskas only grade A certified dairy, sits as the Vice President of Alaska Farm Bureau and manages all the farming operations at Kodiak Baptist Mission and Woody Island. Her passion is youth development and believes the best way to help grow tomorrows leaders is getting down and dirty on the farm.
A schedule will be determined with each intern weekly.
Internship Expectations
I'm looking for a few good farmers to be part of their Summer Internship Program. Below are a list of the requirements. Read them carefully and please do not apply if you simply want to “hang out” with friends. There are very interested students who want to learn all about farm life, animal husbandry, the market/business side of farming and how to manage a farm.
Applicants must be 11 years old and up.
Applicants must have a strong interest in agriculture.
Physical Fitness. This job is demanding, applicants must be able to climb fences, ride horses, lift saddles, run after animals, carry 50 pound bales of hay, work on their knees, stand for an hour at a time without sitting. Walk up a 16% grade hill (without complaining), carry five gallon buckets with water or feed in them.
Applicants must be able to follow and complete a list of five to 10 chores independently.
I am looking for individuals willing to serve, full of ambition, self-starting, eager to learn and work, sweat all day, teachable, positive, non-complaining, grateful, rejoicing, dependable, faithful, perseverant, take-responsibility kind of people. Some days will be difficult but many more will be exciting, full-filling and full of learning opportunities. This can be an excellent resume builder with a good number of clock-able volunteer hours.
Not for you but still want to be at the farm?
There are great farm camps throughout the entire summer. These above requirements for summer interns are not required to attend camp. We encourage all fitness levels, those who have very limited to no farming experience. Farm Camp is a great place to learn grow and potentially get the skills needed to become a farm intern.
Positive Feed Back/Grounds for Internship Termination
This is an opportunity to learn and grow in skills and abilities. It is not expected for interns to know how to do all the assigned tasks, this is a time to learn and become skilled in a variety of areas. There are however grounds for internship termination .
Three unexcused absences
Disrespect to adults, students, and or farm guests
Direct disregard for instructions, continued inability to follow instructions and successfully complete a task
Stealing from farm or farm shop
Harm caused to livestock
Unwilling to take positive criticism